Monday, July 26, 2010

Hard Up For Surprises

Well our semester is finally over! We both finished our exams on Thursday and enjoyed a nice relaxing Friday with no homework or deadlines.

We decided that it was high time we got started on our vacations for the year. We had planned to go to Canada first. We were going to leave on Saturday morning so we could surprise Andrew's dad for his birthday. Well his birthday is on Monday so it was more for his birthday weekend. Anyway, on Thursday night we talked with Andrew's mom and found out that they were going to an air show for the better part of Saturday. After thinking it over, we decided that an air show would be awesome to see and that we would try to get to Lethbridge AB by 10 am on Saturday!!

Needless to say we left Rexburg at 1:20 am Saturday morning and arrived at 9am. I am so proud of Andrew. He was a trooper and drove the whole way! It was neat to watch the sun come up in Montana though! Once we did get to Canada, we were able to surprise Andrew's dad and then go to the air show with them. That night, we slept like rocks.

The moral of this story is that if there is a surprise to be given, we will do a lot to make sure it happens. Though I do not think we will ever go on a road trip that early ever again.

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