Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Fine Joke.......Right?

Three months ago if you had told me that I would have run 5 miles with out stopping, I would have laughed in your face. Three months ago if you told me I was going to consider, seriously, running a marathon, I would have laughed till I cried. Three months ago if you had told me that as of last Saturday I would have signed up to run 17 + miles in September, I would have not known what to say.

Well I still don't know quite what to say, but it is something I am working towards. On the last weekend in September I will be running the first leg of the temple to temple race, 17.5 miles. After that Andrew will be running 19.4 miles. I will start in Idaho Falls at the temple and he will end in Rexburg at its temple. I am excited yet quite nervous. This is one of the bigger things that I have tackled in my life.

For those runners....or anyone in general.....do you have any suggestions on how to get ready!?


  1. That is awesome! Good Luck! You will have to tell me how it goes.

  2. My only suggestions are, make sure you've rented a movie for the nightime and make sure you have lots of fun treats to reward yourself. That calorie burn on that run will be immense. oh ya and enjoy it because after 30 years old your knees or someother important body part might just give out like mine. lol

  3. Read the book "Born to Run". I am nearly done with it and it will definitely change the way I run. It is a very engaging book!
